The recent decisionby the Enlarged Board of Appeal G1/22 and G2/22 has made it easier to demonstrate a valid transfer of priority right. This is good news for patent applicants and patentees who may have struggled with the previous requirements for demonstrating a valid transfer. According to the EPO’s summary of the key considerations, “entitlement to priority is presumed to exist if the formal requirements for claiming priority are fulfilled. This presumption is justified because (i) all parties involved normally have an interest that an application may benefit from a priority right, (ii) there are no formal requirements for the transfer of priority rights, and (iii) the applicant of the priority application has to provide support to the applicant claiming priority (e.g. by providing unpublished documents).”
However, it is important to note that the time of transfer must still pre-date the subsequent filing. This means that while the process of demonstrating a valid transfer may be easier, the timing of the transfer is still crucial. More details can be found in the many comments that were already published on these decisions. See, e.g., the DeltaPatents Blog on decisions G1/22 and G2/22.